CVC Kindergarten
Updates for the Week of September 9-13, 2024
Share: Letter Cc (Please bring an item in a bag that begins with the sound Cc. Please also send in 3 clues.)
Memory Verse: "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." Ephesians 6:1a (Due on 9/13)
Math: Matching and counting numbers to 5 (Terminology of greater than, less than and equal) and rectangles
Superkids: We will continue our unit on Oswald (Letter Oo) and meet a SuperPet named Golly (Gg)
Bible: The Fall
Science: Day and Night and Apple month study
Color Day: Please wear some GREEN on Wednesday. Click Here for Song
A review guide is going home with details about a mid-quarter assessment happening the week of September 16. A digital copy is located on the "Documents/Resources" tab of this website.
We would like to remind families about the CVC dress code. Students should be wearing close toed shoes and a back strap at minimum with shoes. Tops should have a minimum of 3 inches covering the shoulder. We would also like to encourage all parents of daughters to put shorts underneath dresses as well. Thanks for your help in this!
We will be going to the Pumpkin Patch at Westwood Barns this year. The date for this is October 16. All parents are welcome to attend this trip with us. We will meet parents at the location and more details will be coming home later. In the meantime, save the date! We plan to leave CVC around 10:00 and arrive back around 1:00.
Any students arriving before 7:55 will need to go to the MMC for childcare. There is a fee involved for this care. Kids can either ride the bus and head straight to the classroom or be dropped off between 7:55-8:10.
If you have it on your heart, to help us finish up the Kindergarten schoolhouse, we could helpers, donations and ideas to finish the inside of it. Reach out to your child's teacher if that is something you'd like to help with.
Recess Lunch Help: If you would like to sign up to help at recess, please use the link below. Plan to be at CVC from 11:20-12:20. Thanks so much!!
Letters and Sounds We Know: Cc, Oo
Memory Words We Know: Info coming soon!
Colors We Know: red, blue, yellow, green
CVC library website: Click Here
McCutcheon Specials: (Monday: PE and Music -- Tuesday: Art -- Wednesday: Library)
Groenenberg Specials: (Monday: Library -- Tuesday: Music -- Wednesday: Art -- Thursday: PE)
Bons Specials: (Monday: Music -- Tuesday: Library -- Wednesday: PE -- Thursday:Art)
Van Ryn Specials: (Monday: Art -- Tuesday: PE and Music -- Thursday: Library)
"Dare to Dream" Ephesians 3:20-21
Amy McCutcheon
Nikki Van Ryn
Lisa Bons
Hannah Groenenberg